Sunday, February 9, 2014

Joe VS The Lego Movie!

As always, this won't be a typical movie review.  I'm not going to go into detail about the writers and directors or any 'behind the scenes' stuff - because it doesn't matter...not one bit.
I was thinking about being elusive at the start of this review...I thought it would keep you reading the whole thing - just so you could discover whether or not I liked it.
I'm throwing that idea right out the window.

Titling this review, "Joe VS The Lego Movie," suggests there was a fight.  Well, there was.  I was going into it with a clear thought in my head: There's no way it can be as good as everyone is saying or as good as I want it to be.
I'm happy to say that the end result of "Joe VS The Lego Movie" is very clear.  I lost.  Lego won.  It not only won, but it blew my f#cking mind.  Yeah, I saw it in 3-D, but I'm not judging it on that...because I saw better 3-D effects in the trailer for 'The Amazing Spiderman 2.'  If you feel like paying extra and wearing those lame glasses - go for it.  But this flick doesn't need any gimmicks...which is funny, because the whole movie could have easily come off as just a gimmick itself.
Yes, there is a plot.  Yeah, there are loads of brilliant cameos.  And they really nailed the right voice actors for their roles in this film.  I'm not sure who I would give the stand-out performance to...but can't imagine anyone else nailing the part of 'Good Cop/Bad Cop' like Liam Neeson.  Pure gold.  

I'm going to keep this review pretty cut, dry, and on side of simplified.
Almost 99% of everyone I know played (or still plays) with Legos.  And of that 99%, I'd say most of them all go through the same routine - regardless of age.  We buy a new set, we follow the instructions, we build something our imagination could never have pulled off...and then, a few weeks later, it gets destroyed in an epic battle and becomes part of the massive box all the other Legos go...and THAT is when the magic happens.  That is when real building begins.  The best part of building Legos is making something all by yourself that only you could have made.  (I've build whole worlds with my sons and the only catalyst is imagination and the desire to dream)
So, with that in mind, LET ME TELL YOU WHAT THE LEGO MOVIE IS REALLY ABOUT.  Seriously, it's not about plot or character arcs.  It would be pointless for me to go over the (very fun) plot with you .  Instead - here's what the Lego Movie is really all about:
You need to follow instructions in order to build anything.  You have to follow rules.  HOWEVER, it's only after you follow the rules and instructions that you can truly start to create.  You need to know where you've been to discover the adventure of where you can go.  
That's it.
That's what this movie is really all about.

I've read reviews that breakdown plot - which is pointless...I've read reviews that say it's a film with a lot of secret agendas...rubbish.  This movie is brilliant and preaches one thing...which I typed already and don't want to get as redundant as I typically do.
Some critics are griping about the length of the movie and how the battles toward the end drag on and could have been trimmed up.  Ummmmm...WHY?!  I'm serious, I know they go a bit long, but think about it - think about the audience!  When the film throws you a curve-ball in the climactic finale - ask yourself: Who was that 'twist' for?  You think it was for the kids...or their parents/grandparents.  Once you figure that out then you'll know who the epic battle scenes were for.  See, this movie caters to every possible demographic...since every possible demographic (more than likely) has a history with Legos.  
Ok, I'm rambling...
I'm giving this film a 10 out of 10.
(I'm currently looking for a new rating system...I was thinking about using "Yippie Kai-Yays" as my system.  The number of Yippie Kai-Yays a movie gets will show you how good it is).


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